Cessna Citation Mustang Version 2

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The Citation Mustang is a breakthrough combination of power, speed and true jet affordability. Certified to be flown by a single pilot.


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Cessna Citation Mustang Version 2

ANNOUNCEMENT: A special edition with a P3Dv5 option is available as an option in your library after purchase. The P3Dv5 edition may not have the same features of the P3Dv4 version. Also note that this product is no longer in development and support is limited to reviewing existing forum information.

New Citation Mustang Complete Edition - Version 2 (Prepar3d v4, v3, FSX, FSX Steam)

(Note that if you already have version 1 of the Mustang you can upgrade to version 2 for $19.95 by selecting the Coupon/Voucher button and using the Auto-Coupon feature).

This is a new all-in-one Complete edition that covers the following simulators:

The Citation Mustang is a breakthrough combination of power, speed and true jet affordability. Certified to be flown by a single pilot, the Mustang features state of the art engines delivering speeds of up to 340kts as well as the latest in large-format glass-cockpit flight displays, easing pilot workload, all while passengers relax in one of the largest cabins in its class. Now, Flight One Software and Cessna Aircraft Company have joined forces to bring you an authentic simulation of the Citation Mustang exclusively for Microsoft Flight Simulator X, Flight Simulator X Steam Edition, and Prepar3D v4.x and 3.x!

The Cessna Citation Mustang Experience

The Cessna Citation Mustang is considered an entry level business jet. In the standard configuration, the Cessna Citation Mustang has four passenger seats in the aft cabin and seating for two in the cockpit. Like other small business jets, the Cessna Citation Mustang is certified to fly without a co-pilot.

The Cessna Citation Mustang first flew on April 23rd, 2005 and received full type certification from the FAA on September 8th, 2006. This was a historic moment for Cessna and the Cessna Citation Mustang in general because the Cessna Citation Mustang was the first of its class to receive full type certification. It was also the first to receive certification to fly into known-icing conditions, the first VLJ to be delivered to a customer, and it is from the first company to obtain the FAA Production Certificate for a VLJ.

The Cessna Citation Mustang airframe is constructed primarily of aluminum alloys, with a three spare wing group. One main door is located in the forward left section of the aircraft, with an additional emergency exit located on the center right section of the aircraft.

Unlike many light jets, there is no overhead panel. All the switches and gauges are on the instrument panel and the center console. The thrust levers, pitch trim wheel, flap lever, an alphanumeric keypad for the Flight Management System and the switches for aileron and rudder trim are also located on the center console. The instrument panel is dominated by the huge, centrally mounted multi-function display (MFD) and each pilot has a large Primary Flight Display (PFD).

The Cessna Citation Mustang is powered by Two Pratt & Whitney Canada PW615F turbofan engines, mounted in pods on the aft fuselage. The landing gear is fully retractable and is equipped with anti-skid protection.

Cessna Citation Mustang New Features:

New Features Specific to P3Dv4:
New for All Versions:
External Features
Popup Auxiliary Panel
Internal Features
Garmin G1000 Glass Avionics Suite Features
Includes original song, ""Here and Now"", written and performed by Dave Blevins

Avionics and Systems

Extensive Documentation

The Flight1 Citation Mustang comes complete with a highly detailed User Manual and a Quick Reference Guide. To download and preview this documentation, click the link below:

Flight1 Cessna Mustang Pilots Guide

Latest Reviews

""I found the Flight1 Cessna Mustang to be a highly accurate depiction of its real world counterpart. Taken and viewed in its parts, external visual model, 2D panels, virtual cockpit, virtual cabin, sound set, flight dynamics they are all representative of the state of the art in FSX add-on aircraft. May the good old days never return, this is neat stuff. If you don\'t already have it, put it on your Christmas list."" - AVSIM Online

""This aircraft is remarkable, so much so that if I had the money I truthfully think I would consider purchasing the real Mustang. The performance is just incredible. The feel and information available is second to none and it is an overall well modeled detailed aircraft! The exterior lacks nothing! The 2D panel lacks a few systems but again that\'s an FSX limitation. This aircraft was a real joy to fly and has probably become one of my favorite add-ons."" - Flightsim.com

""So how would I regard the Flight1 Mustang? I think the answer to that is that I haven\'t flown anything else since its release, partly as a result of writing this review and also because I happen to be enjoying the product very much. Now, with the inclusion of SID\'s and STAR\'s and Navigraph updates, I feel confident, that the Flight1 Mustang will quickly become just as successful (if not more so) as the developers other products."" - Mutley's Hangar - Full Review

""Very often, when it comes to a flight sim product, you can tell immediately whether the developer has access to real aircraft and flight data, and the endorsement and collaboration with Cessna on the Flight1 Mustang is testament to the fact that authenticity and realism was the project goal. The Mustang packs a lot of functionality into a very small aircraft."" - PC Pilot Platinum Award, Issue 64

""Business jets are among my favorite aircraft to fly in a flight simulation environment. I have always been a bit disappointed in one way or another with these jets. Flight1 has surprised me by excelling in almost every area which has been a pain to me in prior jet add-ons. I would very highly recommend this product to any virtual pilot who desires familiarity with business jets, jet transition and especially G1000 avionics procedures in an FS environment."" - HavetoFly.Com

""You really do realize that this is one sophisticated aircraft with nearly everything electronically monitored and controlled. The development team of the Flight1 Citation Mustang did an amazing job pulling off a near perfect replication of this aircraft\'s computerized systems. While I can go on and on about the features of the Flight1 Cessna Citation Mustang, I have to stop at some point. It is a great plane to add to any hangar."" - FSBreak, June 14th Podcast

System Requirements:

This is a graphics intensive simulation and a powerful PC is required.

Compatible with Acceleration Pack and DX10.
Windows: Windows 7 / 8 / 10
Processor: 2.65 Quad Core or Higher
Video Card: 2GB
Memory: 8GB
Hard Drive: 650 MB

Important: Please be aware of our refund policy before purchasing.